Don’t Apply For Credit Unless…


Why you don’t want to apply for credit unless…

Applying for Credit Cards, Loans, or any type of credit from a Bank or Lender is a serious matter. It’s going to cause an inquiry on your credit report and this can look really bad if you have too many. I’m doing to show you how to apply for credit and ensure you’ll get approved.

DO NOT apply for credit unless you know you’ll get it – Jesse Rodriguez

How to prepare to apply for credit:

1) Check Your Credit AND Scores:  Here
I only recommend the best credit website, it’s mandatory that you check your credit before you apply for credit.

2) Know the Credit requirements of the Bank of Lender: You can get an idea by looking here

3) Pay Off All Your Credit Card Debt: Credit Card Debt is 30% of your overall credit score – if you have lots of credit card debt, or high balances on your credit cards, it will lower your credit score and make you look like a risky person to lend to. You need to have ALL your credit card debt paid off 30 days before you fill out a credit application.

Those three tips will help you save thousands and ensure that you get approved for your next credit application.

If you have credit issues, please visit our website:
