5 ways to protect your identity this holiday season.




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shutterstock_163985018Yes you read correctly…IDENTITY THEFT! So before you start clicking away on deals online that seem to be to good to be true, or swiping away at that plastic visa card of yours, I want you to take a moment and make sure you are taking the right precautions before releasing any of your personal information on the internet.. or this holiday season may cost you more than just a few gifts.

With all the great deals online this year, it’s easy to save hundreds on gifts for your loved ones out of the comfort of your own home, but did you know that online shopping opens so many doors for identity thieves to hack your personal information??

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 4.46.57 PM1.) Invest and install protection software 

Better safe then sorry, right!? Anti-virus, spyware, and firewall protection is a must if you are planning to do your holiday shopping online this year.  Make sure you’re also not ignoring the warning signs from the software, and always keep it up to date.

2.) Avoid any unknown, untrusted websites

As tempting as that buy one – get one free flatscreen T.V. is, don’t fall victim for “to good to be true” deals. Explore where these sales are coming from, are they a reputable online shopping source that you have used in the past, or is it an ad from a questionable sketchy source?

3.)  Properly dispose any documents that may have your personal information written all over it

and in fact…SHRED it! This can include bank statements, printed receipts, credit card offers…etc.

4.) Religiously review your spending statements

Check for errors, missing funds, and unknown purchases. Lets be real, we are all only but human, as we are all NOT invincible. With the economy taking a steady decline, and the unemployment percentages through the roof, the quiet guy who once worked at the cubicle next to yours before he was laid off may now be using your information for his holiday shopping this year!

5.) Something looks a little P-h-i-s-h-y

If an e-mail ended up in your spam box, chances are it probably belongs there. Phishing scams can also pose as legitimate e-mails with offers and deals that are unforgiving. Make sure you do some research before you are reeled in on a scammers phishing pole.


It is important to ALWAYS check and DOUBLE check not only your bank statements, but also your credit report for erroneous errors and unfamiliar accounts before it’s to late. Identity theft can happen to ANYONE at ANYTIME. If you have unfamiliar negative accounts reporting and bringing your credit score down, don’t wait…give Cobalt Credit Services a call to see how we can help!





If you think or are currently a victim of identity theft..don’t wait…give us a call to see how we can help you fight back.




