Credit Bureau Disputes only part process

The Right Way

Where do your thoughts go when you ponder of credit repair?  If you’re like most people, when credit repair comes to mind, you automatically think of credit bureau disputes.  Although these disputes have traditionally been the bulk of the credit repair process, they are merely a first step.  These disputes are a crucial element of every credit repair program, and most always the process must begin with them.  But if your efforts stop there, you will be disappointed.  Again and again, I hear frustration about results from clients who tried to fix it themselves, and got stuck after that.

Hitting the Credit Repair Wall

When you send a dispute letter to the credit bureaus, you will get a response back within thirty days or so.  You may be pleased to see that some of the negative items have been deleted.  But some of the items you have questioned may have been verified and remain a problem on your report.  Frustrating.  What is your next step?  Don’t assume another round of credit bureau disputes are in order.  You have to read very carefully.  If the credit bureau requests that you address all future inquiries to the original creditor, it is obvious that more credit bureau disputes would be a waste of time.

Bare Bones Bargain Programs

Consumers searching for professional credit repair will find plenty of credit repair companies offering a basic low cost program consisting entirely of credit repair disputes.  But what happens to you, the consumer, when the bureaus request that all future inquiries be directed to the original creditor?

Hitting the Wall and Upgrading

Signing up for a credit repair program that offers only credit bureau disputes will almost never result in your being satisfied customer.  After the first round of disputes it can be difficult to get more removals.  If the company you chose offers additional levels of service, you will likely find it necessary to upgrade to a more expensive program in order to produce the outcome you want.  The truth is that the “dispute only credit bureaus” version of a program should never have been offered.  NEVER!

An Integrated Approach

A truly effective credit repair program will move seamlessly from credit bureau disputes onto creditors as a natural part of the process.  Likewise, collection agencies will be challenged as needed.  Credit Repair can and will produce fantastic results if done in a competent and result driven manner.  We believe that a credit repair program should include EVERY step necessary to succeed – that the process should be offered as a unified whole.  The quality of our client’s financial life is integral to their goals, so we as credit repair professionals must be armed with every tool needed to do the job.  We take your credit repair seriously because of it’s impact on the quality of your life.  Digging down to source reporters and disputing with them is what we do at Cobalt Credit Services.

Value verses Bargain

A comprehensive dispute process which tackles credit bureaus, creditors, and even collection agencies is essential for restoring credit.  This process should occur within the context of understanding completely both the credit scoring model as well as “how” creditors view credit in making their decisions.  A good credit repair company always has their customer’s goals in mind.  I cannot emphasize this enough!  You do not want to complete a credit repair program only to discover that your scores have suffered or that you still don’t meet lender’s criteria for being granted credit.  When selecting a credit repair company make sure that they have the universal perspective that will produce your desired results.  These details can make a huge difference for you.

About The Author

Jesse Rodriguez

We are a national Credit Repair Company located in Seattle, WA. We are top rated, we audit your credit report for free, and we guarantee our work. We strive to give you the best credit advice so that we can help you improve and maximize your Credit Scores.
